Thursday, July 23, 2009

The One With The Love of a Friend

Again, there's not too much to report from this end of the blog world.  I had class yesterday, 1 review session next week, and then my final the week after.  Today I have done nothing.  Well, I went to the mall with my mom.  That was about it.  BUT Katie over at The Adventures of Katie and Josh, they are deciding whether they should get a small doggy when they move in a few weeks.  Their dilemma is whether to get a small dog now and a big dog in a few years when they have a bigger yard.  My answer to her was: YES!  Absolutely get a small puppy now and a big one down the road!  They most definitely can get along:)  And I promised her I would post a picture of my puppy Marley and his best friend Macy- who happens to be an 80 lb. golden retriever.  Y'all...the post says it all- the love of a friend.  They are too cute.  So here is the picture Katie!  I hope it helps in your and Josh's decision:)


Katie said...

awwwww!!! They are so precious!! Thanks for the advice, and I think you are so right about them being able to be friends and how getting a small one now would be just fine :)

Love the picture, thanks for sharing! I just showed Josh too and he thought they were really cute haha :)

mylittlebecky said...

adorable! it's nice to have big friends. :) matilda has a 120lb great dane completely under her spell (she's 9.5lbs).