Monday, May 17, 2010

Internship Day 1!

I am finally feeling better! I never thought it would happen. I ended up with a sinus infection and I've still got a cough, but I am feeling so so much better. And not a minute too soon! I started my summer nursing internship today! This week is all orientation. This morning, I got to the hospital at 7:20am and after being there for about 15 minutes, this is what happened:

(Apparently, I have bad luck with fire alarms? First the graduation weekend and now my first day of orientation?! )
The fire alarm went off and as of now we still don't know what happened! We ended up losing about 45 minutes so we were rushing through our morning meetings! Today and tomorrow are the general hospital orientation and Wednesday through Friday is dedicated to our nurse extern program orientations. Apparently we are going to be there until about 5:30 pm everyday! Bye, bye summer! :)

Towards the end of the day, we actually were able to find out where we will be placed during the summer! I have been placed in the ER (emergency room) and that has been split up into two different rotations: MSICU (med-surg intensive care unit) and ETC (emergency trauma center). I'll be completely honest with you. When I first found out that's where I'd be, I was really extremely nervous about what I was getting myself into. I have had a lot of experiences throughout nursing school and even before then, but none have been in the ER (unless it was me in the ER...ha!) and that makes me kind of nervous. I have no idea how I'll handle "emergency" situations and that scares me a bit! I do think I'll be able to handle it, I just hope I know everything I need to know! :) The one thing I keep reminding myself is that this is a learning experience and that's why I'm here-- to learn!

When I got home I changed into some work out clothes, put Marley on his leash, and went for a run. Today was the first time I've run since I've been sick and boy did I feel it! My lungs really took a beating haha:) But it felt good to get out and exercise again:) When we got back, I just happened to look at our front porch and saw this:

I mean they really look like they are cuddling to me...

My first thought was..."Aww, I've never seen two lizards hug!"....and then I realized what they were really doing and just cracked up. For some reason I though it was hysterical that these lizards were procreating on my front steps. David and I have seen the "top" green lizard before (we named him Frankie), but apparently we have a family of lizards living with us because his mate was with him today and I saw another one run by my feet while I was taking pictures! I guess everyone thing needs love:)

Once David got home, we made quesadillas for dinner and since it was so nice out, we decided to go on a walk! It was so nice getting to spend some time talking with him about our days! I think I'm really starting to settle in to this crazy summer:) I hope you guys had a great day too!


Laura said...

What an eventful first day! Good luck with the ER position...I am sure you will learn a ton!

Katie said...

I would have been scared of the lizards! haha I'm such a chicken!

d.a.r. said...

Wow, sounds like it will be a really challenging and exciting internship!! Good luck!!