Thursday, April 28, 2011

Royal Wedding!

Y'all, I am so, so, so excited about the royal wedding tomorrow! I know a lot of people are sick and tired of the royal wedding and to that I say POO ON YOU. Things like this don't happen often and it's much happier media coverage than a lot of things these days. I like focusing on happy things :)

I wil certainly be getting up at 4:00am to watch everything live! And I even have a final at 1:30pm tomorrow! Wedding trumps final in my book :)

But really, all of this media is making me so excited for my own wedding coming up in a few months :) I feel just as happy with my Prince Charming as Kate looks with hers. It's just beautiful.

Just wanted to drop in and say hello and I hope you all enjoy the wedding if you watch it!

Monday, April 25, 2011

What Do I Do Now??

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend:) David came up Thursday evening after work (he had Good Friday off!) so we got an extra day together! I loved it!

Well, it's almost over, everyone! I had my last day of nursing school last Thursday! I still have finals but graduation is fast approaching! Now that I have no papers or projects, I'm left with so much extra time and I have no idea what to do with it all! I realize I should probably be studying, but I just haven't gotten myself to that point yet, haha! I'm definitely not complaining about the extra time but for the last 2 years all I've done is nursing work 24/7 and now it's just down to studying for finals and the NCLEX.

So, I've taken the liberty of meeting friends for coffee and am currently watching the first season of Sex and the City. I'm thinking I may enjoy all this time once my brain stops trying to work overtime, ha!

Anyway, David and I have been working on wedding stuff but we were having a very hard time figuring out where we wanted to go! Friday, we decided to head up to AAA to see what they had to say. Long story short-- I think we have figured out where we want to go :) I'm going up there again today to finalize everything. I don't want to say just yet, but assuming everything goes through today, I'll probably post about it later!! But, I am very excited about it and I've never been before. (For those of you who know me, I suppose that narrows it down a little for you since you know where I've been!!)

I guess all I have left to talk about is the baby bunnies! It stormed really bad at David's over the weekend and we were almost sure that the baby bunnies couldn't have survived. So I was on pins and needles last night waiting for David to get home and check on them! Well, lo and behold, the bunnies did survive and not only did they survive, but they grew!!

They are so much bigger than they were 4 days ago! Still very cute though :) I'm thinking they will be leaving the nest soon, but I'm so glad they were safe in the storm.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week! Tune in later for an update on the honeymoon!! :)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Easter Surprise!

First of all, thank you all for the comments on the double band! I'm still not sure what I want to do, but I'll let you know once I decide! The weekends go by too fast, don't they? This past weekend the nursing girls and I were supposed to walk in the MS Walk on Saturday morning. But I'm sure everyone saw/experienced the nasty weather we had here Friday night and into Saturday so the walk was canceled but they hosted a cook-out Friday evening instead! David was planning to come up for the walk so he came anyway Friday night and we met everyone at the cook out. We didn't stay long and all decided to go to dinner at San Antonio's. It's a new restaurant, kind of Texas meets Mexico but not quite Tex-Mex... it was pretty good!

Saturday, David and I got up and headed down to Greenville to meet his parents for dinner at none other than my favorite place: NAMI!! Oh my Lord it was delicious. I tried out my new hair style again:

And here is a picture of us on the way down:

Lighting was terrible...major fail, ha!

It was nice to catch up with my future in-laws over sushi and wine! I didn't get any pictures of the group, though.

David and I really enjoyed getting to spend some time together, too. We did have a little excitement this weekend! David took Marley out to potty and quickly called me to come outside. I ran out to Marley standing near a pile of grass and fur right below our deck. He was just standing there sniffing at it and looking up at me and David like, "Well? What is it?" While we were standing there, the pile of grass moved. We were so surprised so David started moving the grass out of the way and low and behold: there was a nest of baby bunnies!! Just in time for Easter :)

Aren't they so cute?! David just mowed the yard on Wednesday so we figured they had to be less than 4 days old. We did some research to make sure they weren't abandoned and didn't need us to call wildlife rescue. We decided they were okay, and a good thing, too! Sunday night, David called me to let me know Momma bunny was at the nest caring for her babies:)

So far, Momma bunny visits once a day, at night (to make sure predators can't see where her babies are) and David checks on them twice a day to make sure Momma is really doing her job. He said they are a tiny bit bigger and kicking around a lot more. So precious :) I took a video of our little Easter bunnies; the sound is just static and the babies weren't making any noise, but they were wiggling all around!

I hope everyone has enjoyed our Easter surprise like we have! Oh, and just so everyone knows, Marley was a very good boy. He found the nest, sniffed at it and then just looked at us. He didn't try to dig into it or anything. It's like he knew there were babies in there :) (And he usually loves to chase booger bunnies out of the yard!) So we were very proud of our sweet boy!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Um... y'all. I haven't updated my blog since like April 4th or something. How sad is that?! Haha! The last few weeks of school have been super busy. I've had a few papers to write and 2 presentations to prepare for. As well as NCLEX predictor tests. I still have 2 papers to write week is my last week of school! Please, be excited for me, ha! Lucky for me, my last PSL clinical was last Friday so tomorrow I just have a review on how well I've tutored (or how bad??) this year. I have a paper to write, but I needed a break tonight so I thought I would update you on all the random things in my head now. (I know some of you are nursing students, you always have a million things running through your head??! It sometimes doesn't even stop when I go to bed, ha!)

  • I've recently been noticing that my eyes are having trouble transitioning from reading to just normal looking at things. It started taking upwards of like 10 minutes for them to completely adjust back and I was starting to get concerned. My sweet friend (and bridesmaid!) Leslie's dad is an opthamologist so I made an appointment to see him. (He even did my Lasik eye surgery!) I had to sit through the whole ordeal and got my eyes dilated:

disclaimer: I realize this picture is VERY scary and I apologize, I have no shame, ha!

  • My pupils were huge! And it was particularly sunny that day so sunglasses were my best friend :) Luckily, he chalked it up to A) I'm getting old. Thank you for that, by the way. and B) They are tired from reading and studying so much (He knows firsthand since Leslie is in class with me!) -- hopefully it will go away once I graduate and stop having to concentrate on so much material. Other than that, my eyes are 100% healthy:)

(I'm also trying to visit every doctor before I move, sniff sniff, and have to find all new doctors! One down, 3 more to go!)

  • I've also been looking at wedding bands. My engagement ring is part of a set, but the actual ring hasn't been bought yet. A lot of my friends have been getting double wedding bands and I kind of like the look. I'm having trouble deciding. So, the other day, I tried on one of my friend's double bands. (Is that bad luck???) And I really liked the sparkly look of it! :) What do you think?:
PS- nursing girls, don't you just want to stick an IV in the veins in my hand?? They are huge, ha!
I still have to go with David to look at rings at some point so I have time, but what is the blog consensus? Do you like the double look or is the simple wedding band and engagement ring a better fit for my long, skinny fingers??

  • Last weekend, my mom and I went to dinner at Pike's with some of her friends and then to the Checkers Hockey game. (It was cold in there and no one lost any teeth. Soccer is much more fun to watch ;) ). We had a great time though, and I tried out a new hair style. My hair is just straight and doesn't hold curl AT. ALL. I found this little Conair curling iron wand without a clamp and it has gotten wonderful reviews. So on a whim, I went to Target and bought it! It worked pretty well, the front stayed curly for a looonnnggg time and the back kept its shape for the most part, but did start falling out towards the end of the night. What do you think? Should I curl it more often?:

Let me just say that this thing comes with a glove so you don't burn yourself. Well, that didn't stop me :) Also, it took me AN HOUR to curl all of my hair. Yikes!

  • And lastly, because I love my two boys so much. Here is Marley Tucker sporting his soccer jersey in honor of his daddy!:
He is just the cutest little thing! He's currently laying at the back door whining to go out so I guess I should take him before he leaves me a nice little present to clean up! ;) Thanks everyone for being so patient with me over the last few weeks (and the next few to come!) But I do enjoy reading all your updates so thanks, they keep me sane!! Haha!

Happy weekend! :)

Monday, April 4, 2011


Well, I'm getting closer to being finished (finally!) with school. I only have about a month and 2 papers left before finals. I'm so looking forward to that! So just a few quick updates for everyone:

  • I'm glad you all liked my Save the Dates! I loved them and can't help but look at my own every time I walk into the kitchen! :)
  • One of my childhood friends' grandfather passed away last week and his funeral was would be great if you could keep them in your prayers! He was always so sweet to me when Ashley and I were younger.
  • Long story short: the hospitals in the area where I will be moving after graduation won't hire until you have your RN I can't apply for any jobs until then. But, I got a call today from the ICU where I worked last summer and the nurse manager wants me to send him my resume! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this turns into something good for me:)
  • This past weekend, David and I went to his grandfather's wedding. It was short and sweet..and in the words of his grandfather, they had to get it done because they "don't have much time left!" Pop is so silly :)
  • I've gone off the deep end and have started to "calorie count." Started as in today. I really miss food, ha! I've been doing great with my exercising but seem to have plateaued and I still have a few pounds I'd like to get rid of. I'm hoping calorie counting will keep me honest and I'll get rid of that last little bit. Has anyone ever tried this? Or had any success with it? Ha! I can see this not lasting too long, but I'm going to try!
Anyway, no pictures today, but I hope Monday wasn't too bad for everyone:) It was beautiful here!