Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The Year of the Perfect Christmas Tree

Our traditional "get-the-christmas-tree-after-thanksgiving-day" was tainted on Friday with rain. It was nasty rain, too. So we (me and mom) decorated the house with everything but the tree. On Saturday morning it looked as if it hadn't rained at all! So my granddaddy, Uncle Mike, cousin Amy, her boyfriend Tyler, and I all piled into the SUV and headed up the mountain to get our trees! We always go to the same tree farm and the family that runs the place are just such nice, genuine people. They make finding a christmas tree so much fun! And the good part about it is we get to find the christmas tree and they cut it down and tie it to the top of our cars for us while we get to enjoy some nice, hot cocoa or apple cider :) Ahh, the joys of christmas tree shopping :)

I always have to get pictures of us on the way up. Amy and Tyler are probably the cutest couple ever...

I had to sport purple long johns and Clemson shirt to support my tigers!! They had a huge game that night--they lost...but I'm making the argument that actually we won because we get a new QB next year!! Woo hoo! Ours was just not getting the job done ;)

We had the best time picking out trees! Here is Amy's tree:

I honestly think this is the most perfect christmas tree we've ever had! Here is mine still at the tree farm:

And here it is all decorated :)

I'm so glad the holiday season is here! Two more weeks of school and then I'll be able to enjoy the Christmas season...but for now, I'm relaxing on the couch and going through lots of wedding magazines! (Thanks, V!) Happy first week of December!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Your tree is very pretty!!