These are the best cousins you could ever ask for! I am so blessed to have such a wonderful family!*
Merry Christmas everyone! I've enjoyed reading about your nice holidays you have had:) It sounds like everyone had a great time with family and friends...me included! (I've also thoroughly enjoyed my time off from nursing school! I still have another week and a half so I'm going to enjoy it even more ha!)
I ended my first semester of nursing school with all A's (I'm proud of myself!) and headed straight to move David into his new home! It is still kind of a mess, but it looks so good! I even put up a few christmas decorations;) He was busy setting up the tv and blu-ray/xbox/speakers and turned around to see what I was doing and he laughed at me because I was putting up christmas decorations! He said that "it figures" that I would be putting up Christmas stuff, but I wasn't going to let his first christmas in his new home go by without at least some decorating!
*My family all dressed up on Christmas Eve!*
I came home on the 23rd and has spent the last few days with my family. My mom and I, aunt, uncle, and cousins all trekked over (the whole 5 minutes of trekking...) to my grandparents house (like we do every year!) for christmas eve! We had a wonderful dinner and stayed up late putting a puzzle together and watching christmas movies. Christmas morning was just plain rainy and cold, but it was warm and cozy inside:) We woke up around 9 (it seems to get later each year...!) and had our annual christmas morning breakfast of cinnamon rolls and bacon! We all seemed to have been pretty good boys and girls this year because we got a LOT of stuff! There was a huge pile of wrapping paper in the center of the room by the time we were finished! I got a lot of clothes, a new pair of boots that I'm in love with, a chi hair straightener (yea!) and a lot of other wonderful things. It was such a great christmas!
*Here's our big pile of wrapping paper!*
We let Marley open his stocking a night early so he would have some toys to play with! Then we stuck him IN his stocking....he didn't like it very much! But I thought he was precious:)
David came up on the 26th so we could have our own christmas. Wow, all I can say is that I am dating the best guy in the world:) He is amazing and really knows how to please a girl! I got some amazing stuff from him the year that I have been wanting!
*My stocking from David was this cute oven mit! How creative!*
*I got some Spode platters for my collection and David got a whole box of wall flowers for his new home! Oh the things you get excited about as you get older.... :)*
*My new pj bottoms from J. Crew! I had been wanting these for a long time and I finally got them! They are soooo comfortable!*
*I know this is wayyy too close up of my face, but I wanted a close picture of my necklace! This was another (my favorite!) gift from David this year! Isn't it beautiful?!*
New years will be spent in the new house with a few good friends and family. I can't wait! What are your new years plans?